10 Filters & Segments for hospo businesses + Bonus tips for content & promotion Filters

What are Filters and Segments and why do they matter?  

Here at Impact Data, we think of Filters as a way to identify a specific segment of your database that can be saved and used over and over. For instance, having a saved Filter to help you see which customers have the highest visit frequency.

The data that flows through these TalkBox filters come from your POS and Loyalty Provider.

Check out all the POS and Loyalty Providers we integrate with here.

Filters have two key purposes:

The first is to segment your audience effectively so you can target a group of customers based on their behaviour: e.g. Customers who’ve had only 1 visit or customers who signed up for your loyalty program in May.  

The second is to understand the engagement of your best customers with your regular news and promotions.

But let’s start with the filters that can help you segment your audience and target key customers with a personalised communication and offer.

These 10 Filters make sense in any hopso business using POS and Loyalty data:

  • Best customers
  • Low-spending regulars
  • Big spenders with low visit patterns
  • Most Loyal Customers
  • Early Week Special opportunities
  • Big spenders gone missing
  • Expected Next Visit to target lost customers
  • High-spending first-timers
  • Top Spenders
  • Weekend Warriors

If you want to learn how to create these filters and use them in your communications head to our Support Centre for easy-to-understand instructions.

TOP TIP – The other smart way that you can use filters, is to split up the audience for your newsletters and promotions.


It’s much more important to understand the engagement of your most valuable customers with your content and it’s not possible to understand if you send it to the whole audience at once. E.g. Having an offer exclusively for new customers won’t work for loyal regulars.

Here’s how you can do it:

Create a Filter where Visit Frequency = HIGH + Spend Range = HIGH.  Call this filter something meaningful like VIP Customers.

At any point in time this is the top 25% of your database and therefore your most valuable customers.  

Now when you send your regular communications, split the send so that you send to your VIP Customers and then to those who are not in that filter. 

TOP TIP – It might be easy to create a filter for the rest of your customers so you don’t forget.

Having a VIP Filter comes in handy when you have limited tickets or sessions available, you want to get some feedback or you want them to be the first to know about your important news.

And one last tip for using Filters. 

If you have multiple locations feeding data into your TalkBox account you can create a Filter for – Last Location Visited for each of your locations.  Then you can use that to target customers who last visited a location for local area marketing activities.

Reach out to support@impactdata.com.au if you need some help creating your filters. 

Or read more about the uses of filters here.

Sarah Franklyn
Author: Sarah Franklyn