‘Likes’ don’t get bums on seats – Why your business needs more than social media

Social media is an essential part of your marketing strategy but likes and shares don’t often convert into paying customers.

Constantly changing algorithms, challenges in ‘stopping the scroll’ or simply posting at the wrong time, could mean that your customers don’t see your beautifully crafted content.

So, how do you reach customers directly, ensure your message gets received and they visit you? It’s likely your business already has the tools that can help retain more customers and get them back quicker. 

Customer, transactional and behavioural data from your business’s systems such as POS, Guest WiFi or booking platform can connect you to your audience and get you more visits, more often. The best part is that, unlike social media, this data is generated by your business and is owned by your business so that you can remarket to them, easily and cheaply. 

At Impact Data we gather your data in our marketing application, TalkBox. And with your audience in one place, you can send emails and SMS to influence behaviour, create demand and increase visits.

Customers who have opted-in to receive marketing communications want to hear from your business. Engagement rates for email and SMS dominate over all other marketing streams. We recorded average open rates for email of 18%, considerably higher than Facebook’s organic reach of 5.2%.

Email and SMS offer personalisation that cannot be achieved with social media. Not only can you address each customer by their first name, but the data in your business means you can understand their behaviour and react accordingly. 

An Impact Data customer retention solution analyses your data and automatically triggers messages based on a visit, spending level and behaviour.  

  • Say happy birthday and help them celebrate
  • Thank them for visiting and ask for NPS feedback
  • Recover a customer who hasn’t visited in 60 days
  • Reward a customer for their loyalty 

Email, SMS and social media should all have a place in your marketing strategy, but it might be time to assess where you put your efforts and budget

Social media might help you attract new customers, but what do you have in place to keep them? Research done by Frederick Reichheld (Bain & Company) shows that increasing customer retention rates by 5% can boost profits by 25-95%.

Our automated customer retention solution works to send the right message to the right customer at the right time to get them back, which is critical to achieving this sort of profit result.

New to sending email and SMS?

Sarah Franklyn
Author: Sarah Franklyn