Measure your marketing success with TalkBox Account Performance Reports

Account Performance reports are here and the feedback is great! Our latest feature, Account Performance Reports are all about helping you to understand the impact of your marketing.
Marketers are always looking for ways to improve their effectiveness and understanding the data in your TalkBox account is a great place to start.
Our reports are measure visits, engagement and database growth.
Key metrics are available including:
- Revenue associated with the members of your database for that month
- % of your contacts that visited that month
- Voucher performance including issued and redeemed
- Average open rates across automated and adhoc sends
- The % your database has grown in the last month.
Each month updated stats will be available in your TalkBox account and we will even send you a reminder! For more detail on our Account Performance Reports check our Support Centre.
Here’s some way’s you might think about using your data to improve performance…
- Communications
- What trends can you see in your open rates between your Automated and Ad Hoc communications? Often the Automated Communications have higher engagement rates as they are more targeted, how could you make sure your Ad Hoc communications are better targeted
- Click Thru Rates – getting your customers to click on links in your message is a great sign of engagement. Are you adding enough links to key call-to-actions such as BOOK NOW or ORDER NOW
- Database Growth
- Are all of your data sources connected? Have you added or changed a data provider recently?
- Have you ensured your website newsletter sign up is going into your TalkBox account
- Are some months slower than others? Perhaps they would be good times to create a sign up incentive or really focus your staff on customer sign up
- Engagement
- The percentage of your contacts visiting in a month is a powerful indicator how your business is doing and is a stat that is worth tracking and building a plan around.
- Tips for increasing your visitation
- Ensure all of your channels are turned on. Sending messages via email & SMS is important to make sure you can reach your whole audience
- Have you got the full range of automated communications activated
- Are you using the right incentives to get customers back?
There is so much more than just stats to our Account Performance Reports so if you want to ensure you are maximising your TalkBox account to drive your marketing contact us at support@impactdata.com.au.